There are several possible causes for bumps, lumps and growths on the gums. This includes canker sores, an abscess or infection. In oral healthrarer cases, a sore or growth on the gums can be a sign of oral cancer. In order to rule out potentially serious oral health problems, Dr. Orson Baek, a dentist at Smart Family Dental Care in Norcross, GA recommends getting lumps or growths on the gums or tongue evaluated by a dentist as soon as possible to obtain an accurate and timely diagnosis.

Oral Health and Cancer Screenings in Norcross, GA

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends regular oral exams (approximately every six months) to screen for tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancer. Although oral cancer is generally rare, monitoring changes to the teeth and gums is a necessary step in preventing gum disease. Some of the most common sources of bumps or sores on the gums include:

  • Infection/abscess
  • Cysts
  • Canker sores
  • Pyogenic granuloma/granuloma gravidarum (product of hormonal fluctuations typical during pregnancy)
  • Thrush (candidiasis)

When is it Time to Call a Dentist?

Generally, symptoms like pain, rashes, lumps, or sores that do not resolve on their own after a few days (7-10 on average) should be examined by your Norcross dentist. Signs of infection, like pus, discharge, or an abscess should be treated by a dentist right away. While some oral health problems and symptoms are unavoidable, practicing good oral hygiene with daily flossing and regular dental visits, and eating a healthy diet and avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption are the best way to protect the teeth and gums from decay and periodontal disease.

Find a Dentist in Norcross, GA

Regular dental exams and screenings are necessary to help diagnose oral health problems like tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancer in the early stages, when they are most treatable. Contact Smart Family Dental Care by calling (770) 446-5700 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Orson Baek today.